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for business English training
Anyone with a CPF personal training account can register for the Business Speaking course of their choice.
Si vous êtes Salarié(e), Indépendant(e) ou Demandeur d’emploi, vous pouvez utiliser votre CPF pour obtenir un financement. Vous pouvez également bénéficier d’abondement important si votre compte n’a pas un crédit suffisant,
Contact our CPF department on 01 71 11 30 57
Each CPF account is credited with 500€ per year for professionally qualified people with a ceiling of 5000€, and 800€ per year for non-qualified people with a ceiling of 8000€.
Do you want to improve your business English but don't know how to go about it? Are you held back by the cost of a course? Or would you like to use your CPF to take a course but are not sure what to do? Business Speaking explains simply how you can take a business English course with your CPF for personalised follow-up, and using the amount capitalised on your account.
The CPF is the Personal Training Account, formerly the DIF (Droit Individuel à la Formation), which allows any active person, whether employed or seeking employment, to follow a training course leading to a qualification or a certification as soon as they enter the labour market.
This account is credited with training hours at the end of each year. You can then benefit from a total of 150 hours of training over 8 years. So if you work full time, your training hours will be spread over 24 hours per year for the first 5 years and the remaining hours will be spread over the remaining 3 years at a rate of 12 hours per year. If you work part-time, the hours you have in your account will be calculated on the basis of the time worked in the company. When calculating your training hours, periods of absence due to maternity or paternity leave, adoption or childcare, parental presence due to family support or professional illness, as well as periods of work-related accidents will be taken into account.
The training hours will therefore be credited to the Compte Personnel de Formation and constitute an acquired right for you, even if your professional situation changes or you lose your job.
If you wish to follow a training course during your working hours, you must request the agreement of your employer, who will be able to help you with the procedure to follow.
However, if you take the course in your own time, your employer's agreement is not necessary.
To be able to use your CPF, go to the application or to the "Mon Compte Formation" website. Then create your account, for this you will need your social security number. The amount of your training entitlement will be displayed on your home page. You can then click on "search", enter the name of our course via the search engine, here it would be "English" and then "distance learning". In the filters, you can then enter our organisation name "Business Speaking" please click on the course you are interested in. By clicking on the course of your choice, you can confirm your registration and we will contact you to validate your choice.
Taking a business English course will help you to become more comfortable in the workplace, both in speaking and writing. You can make rapid progress in general spoken English or in business English with targeted conversation classes. These courses will enable you to present yourself, your company, your products, your key figures, etc. But also to know how to ask your questions and answer spontaneously to your interlocutor, to lead a conversation, a negotiation, to make proposals to your counterparts, to express agreements, disagreements, etc. In order to enrich your professional exchanges, you will also have discussions of more general interest such as the economy, politics, social issues, the family, etc.
Thanks to this training, you will regain your confidence and if you are blocked in speaking, you will more readily express yourself in English. It will also enable you to improve your fluency by avoiding translation and word searches when thinking quickly in English.
Business Speaking offers you a discovery training course, this is a tailor-made course which, with your teacher, can be carried out by telephone or video conference. During your lessons, your teacher will encourage you to repeat and will correct you without limitation.
Furthermore, at the end of each lesson, your teacher will send you a "lesson-recap" sheet, which is exclusive to Business Speaking. This sheet corrects your mistakes and lists the vocabulary and key words relating to your profession. You will then be able to build your own glossary to quickly improve your personal or professional exchanges.
Also please note that our native English or American teacher-coaches are available Monday to Sunday from 8am to 9pm.
These courses are held over the phone or by video conference and take 30 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to role-play with your individual teacher on your general vocabulary or on your job. You will also have the opportunity to learn a lexical method that is 5x faster than the standard methods. Business Speaking was the first organisation to develop an oral lexical method based on gaining confidence and letting go to express yourself with fluency.
Additionally, you will have access to e-radio learning unlimited for 6 months free of charge.
Overall, our training courses can be carried out at different times; during the week, at the weekend, during the day or in the evening, etc. The duration of the training varies according to the cost of the training. As an indication, a 5-hour training course costs 348€ and a 40-hour training course costs 2,660€. The training is centred around the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) tests.
Business Speaking offers you a discovery training course, this is a tailor-made course which, with your teacher, can be carried out by telephone or video conference. During your lessons, your teacher will encourage you to repeat and will correct you without limitation.
Furthermore, at the end of each lesson, your teacher will send you a "lesson-recap" sheet, which is exclusive to Business Speaking. This sheet corrects your mistakes and lists the vocabulary and key words relating to your profession. You will then be able to build your own glossary to quickly improve your personal or professional exchanges.
Also please note that our native English or American teacher-coaches are available Monday to Sunday from 8am to 9pm.
These courses are held over the phone or by video conference and take 30 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to role-play with your individual teacher on your general vocabulary or on your job. You will also have the opportunity to learn a lexical method that is 5x faster than the standard methods. Business Speaking was the first organisation to develop an oral lexical method based on gaining confidence and letting go to express yourself with fluency.
Additionally, you will have access to e-radio learning unlimited for 6 months free of charge.
Overall, our training courses can be carried out at different times; during the week, at the weekend, during the day or in the evening, etc. The duration of the training varies according to the cost of the training. As an indication, a 5-hour training course costs 348€ and a 40-hour training course costs 2,660€. The training is centred around the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) tests.
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Business Speaking
The spoken languages of business. Lexical concept 5 times faster.
To speak a language, you have to speak it!
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